AGA 2 juin / AGM June 2nd

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  • #1538

      Bonjour chers voisins,

      Nous avons le plaisir de vous inviter à notre assemblée générale annuelle qui aura lieu cette année au Pavillon Robert Middlemiss (le nouveau pavillon de la Marina) au 2e étage (Salles 1 et 2) le jeudi 2 juin à 19 h. Un cocktail dinatoire sera servi à 18 h. Nous aurons un permis d’alcool, mais vous devrez apporter votre propre vin. Veuillez noter qu’à 17 h, au parc Guertin, sera dévoilé le panneau d’interprétation sur le commerce de la glace. Vous êtes tous invités à y assister avant de vous rendre au pavillon Middlemiss.

      Comme la nourriture sera commandée et préparée à l’avance, nous vous demandons de confirmer votre présence avant le samedi 28 mai 2022.

      Veuillez consulter les documents téléchargés pour plus de détails. Vous devez accéder au forum avec votre compte ARQJ pour voir les documents.

      Au plaisir de vous revoir en chair et en os!

      Claude, John, Laura et Trevor, votre C.A. de l’ARQJ


      Hello dear neighbours,

      We are pleased to invite you to our Annual General Meeting which will take place this year at the Robert Middlemiss Pavilion (the new Marina Pavilion) on the 2nd floor (Rooms 1 and 2) on Thursday June 2nd at 7 p.m. A cocktail reception will be served at 6 p.m. We will have a liquor license, but you will need to bring your own wine. Please note that at 5 p.m., at Guertin Park, the interpretation panel on the ice harvesting industry will be unveiled. All of you are invited to attend before heading to the Middlemiss Pavilion. As food will be ordered and prepared in advance, we ask that you confirm your attendance by Saturday May 28, 2022.

      Please review the documents which have been uploaded for more details. You will need to log in with your JARA forum account to view the documents.

      Looking forward to seeing you again in real person!

      Claude, John, Laura and Trevor, your JARA Board of Directors

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        Paul Skene and Christine Doyle plan to attend. thank you very much for organizing this.


          I will be attending the June 2nd., AGM.
          Thank you,
          David Boll


            Good evening,

            I will attend with Marie-France L’Ecuyer (also known as Mom ?)

            Thanks to the organizing committee!

            Claire Bertrand

              Very sorry to be missing both the unveiling and the AGM and the opportunity to reconnect with all our lovely neighbours .After a long 4 year period , family arriving from England tomorrow and sister and her husband arrive from Toronto the day of the meeting .
              Thank you to the Board members for organizing this.
              Could you please remind me what, if anything , needs to be done to maintain status as active member ? Please advise when you get a chance .
              Désolée de manquer l’AGA et cette rencontre sociale. Au plaisir et bonne rencontre.


                I hope we’re not too late to say yes we will attend (Lise & Denis). This email was sent directly to my junk folder. Thanks

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