Free healthy hostas/ Les hostas grands et beaux à donner

Accueil Forums Petites annonces / Classified ads Free healthy hostas/ Les hostas grands et beaux à donner

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  • #1953

      Please bring your own pot or box. They are at the end of our driveway. 19 Oscar-Guertin.
      SVP ammenez votre propre boîte. Ils sont au but de notre entrée.

      John Beverdam

        Good Morning .. Joanne

        Seen your ad to late.
        Can you let me know when you have more hostas available.
        Would like to get some for my and dght’s yard / gardens.
        Bye for now..

        Tel 819-682-5928

      Viewing 2 posts - 1 through 2 (of 2 total)
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